终于找到那一把我在radio上很久很久以前听过一次的唱很漂亮的声音 OTL
想说真的有时候爱尔兰群众口味很广 - 虽然不时会播到一些难得的好料,不过始终电台就是电台要配合大众....我说下次你把歌手名多说几次会死啊?!!!XD
突然想到Beyoncé -
然后看她唱歌肺量强大,就算她进可以欣赏的歌手之列 -
但是我说啊.....妳不需要每一首歌都在喊吧?!!基本就是纯肺量爆发 OTL 根本毫无技术含量...
妳若走那经典女王Whitney Houston那种路线..慢着..才发现...不会Beyoncé就是以whitney作目标呀? =.='''''
如果妳要喊, 请买一片The Cranberries回家听听人家什么叫技术 :)
我第一次听到Florence Welch的声音(虽然那时我不知道是谁 OTL)...心想怎么这声音那么像某人的心头至爱The Cranberries?!!!!!Σ(;゚Д゚) 但是绝对是年轻好几倍的东西唱的!
(当然还有Siouxsie Sioux, Joanna Newsom, Annie Lennox, Tori Amos...算得进这类的风格吧~)
Florence + the Machine
Sound On: Florence and the Machine 's World
若说唱歌的基础是靠声喉,力度是靠肺量,技术就是基础和力度的应用程度 -
能从低唱到高,再从高到低 -
那一种多层次感以及一整个向四面八方扩散出来的巨大声量 -
每一首歌的铺陈都很有耐心很有心思 - 仿如一道精致的佳肴来自很有味道的祖传老店。
Cosmic Love - 我第一次听到的Florence and the Machine。我想耳朵至今没有忘记过那强大的
The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart
Florence and the Machine 的东西很很有很有灵魂 -
你会发现除了Welch的声音一流外,背后的音乐和那一把声音的同步率高得让人吃惊 -
真的有多少个成功的歌手是Solo,you know,那种total One Man Show的?
同伴们之间的默契才是王道~~~ ヽ(#´∀`)ノ
看他们没事干跑去唱街边的video!! 大心MAX!!!
你在想the Machine的由来?其实是Welch一起玩声音的好友们的昵称 - 叫Isabella Machine;而唱歌的Welch是Florence Robot的 - 到底是什么样的inside joke来的 lol??
别看那几个图定义她是那些少年时期的emo XD
Rabbit Heart - :) 那整个后半段听到我耳朵真的在跳舞
This is a gift, it comes with a price
Who is the lamb and who is the knife?
Midas is king and he holds me so tight
And turns me to gold in the sunlight
Who is the lamb and who is the knife?
Midas is king and he holds me so tight
And turns me to gold in the sunlight
世界奇妙的其中一点就是发现自己原来年纪越来越大?!Welch不过是年长某人一岁... *咳*
可惜我不认识有人可以唱歌唱到像她的 :( 不然我会付钱听的咯!! 我要去听live!!!
Between two lungs - 我.....我......我....
可以沉浸整个专辑不停地听超过23小时,这首in between的曲风让整张专辑完美了
Between two lungs it was released
The breath that passed from you to me
The breath that passed from you to me
点看Florence and the Machine - Halo (Beyonce Cover)Youtube
提醒一下Florence是随机性唱到Helo的 XD 你可以听到她在唱第二段时在调整唱法 lol
Beyoncé sings it like she wants money, Florence puts her heart in it. You can hear that.
Florence在一下拉高音上来时候不够快 - 原因很简单^^
人家用的低音太多了 - 人家是有高有低的!! 听她连helo helo helo那一段 XD
Post Card from Italy - 这首cover Beirut的老歌...我.....第一次赞同翻唱>正版 OTL...
In my good times
There were always golden rocks to throw
At those who admit defeat too late
Those were our times, those were our times
surprise surprise surprise
衣着方面很不错的Florence XD
一追查之下,Florence果然有studio照 -
这张摄影师无敌了 *膜拜*
Rabbit Heart - 你也听到了吧?魔法般的声音 :)
Here I am, a rabbit hearted girl
Frozen in the headlights
It seems I've made the final sacrifice
We raise it up, this offering
We raise it up
Frozen in the headlights
It seems I've made the final sacrifice
We raise it up, this offering
We raise it up
写喜欢的歌手时的重点就是把他们的特点写出来~ 每一份《我的耳朵在跳舞》都是为他们量身定做的CV ^^
Florence and the Machine 还很年轻~ 前面还有很远的路要走吧~
例如,在Dog days are over的节奏下跳着走~~
The dog days are over
The dog days are done
Can you hear the horses?
'Cause here they come
The dog days are over
The dog days are done
The horses are coming
So you better run
p/s:OTL..只听这专辑听了3天了 XD 另一首强烈推荐的就是Binding了 - 我说那两个Drummers是强大的~
2 位 手握参茶:
ZOMG!!!!XD this one!!!!!
@Chill 好的当然没问题^^ 很高兴又多了一个F+M粉丝 XD
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