
You know what? :)

Honestly,with my most truthfully words -

2009, is, actually a totally AWESOME year :)

but eh, ByeBye 2009 :) and Hello, 2010!!

yup, i am pretty sure my 2010 is so so so gonna ROCKS :D

我的2009发生了好多事 :)

我偷偷回望一眼 -

朋友们,我最舍不得的就是我们在相聚一起的日子 :)

好想念你们 -


Our 2010 is SO gonna ROCKS :)

Happy New Year, my dear people!!:)


Avatar (2009) 阿凡达/阿凡達电影 心得 感想

I see You.

来了 :)Avatar的影品!!值得一提的就是,因为没有DVD在手的关系,相对于GATTACA篇那种'豪华'的文 XD 仅于此说明一下DVD版在手的影品和第一时间戏院观赏后的感想的豪华程度的差别 - 不管手术豪华与否,他们都是我认真写下来的影品 :) 欢迎讨论!!

我带着最严苛的双眼和最高的期待入场 -

Sound on: Avatar's OST

首先,我必须要强调的是,再二强调,再三强调,Avatar不是什么超级宇宙霹雳mind blowing的震撼得让你喘不过气来的史前超级巨作,正如,是的,

正如Cameron10年前的旧作Titanic那样,它们都没有创造了电影世界里的一个进化 -

我想要是Cameron看到我这么说这段话 XD 大概会 'doh!!!'一声吧 XD(记得他号称Avatar will be evolutionary么?)

Avatar无论从哪个角度来看,都没有比这10年来的任何叫好卖座的感情片/动作片/戏剧优秀多少 -

但我毫不犹豫地,如果真的要为这电影打分的话,我会给总分9.5/10 :)
别急,我也可以毫不犹豫地告诉你,剧情分我应该会给最多4/10吧 -

Avatar异常优异的地方,正是在于Cameron作为一个作家(script writer),编剧家(composer),导演(director),3个领域的难得一见奇才外,当然,还有,他作为一个正统的生意人(businessman) :)

我带着最严苛的双眼和最高的期待入场 -

然后出来的时候,骂了一句,''顶!!! 3个小时???!!!WTF!!!!'。当然我是带着微笑骂的 :)

相对起那时我看了大约一小时Michael Bay's的机器人超级大烂片II想动手关机但碍于和看的不只是我一个人 - 看完花了我2+小时后我足足骂了10分钟这大烂片II然后感激上天我没有到戏院花那冤枉钱 -

我完全没想到后来我看了Avatar两次 XD (当然是和不同人去的,也不是特地要看两次啦)


然后我现在开心地在写着这篇东西 :)

Clothing #1

XD 进军服装界了 XD 哎呀,就把看到的/败回家的漂亮东西记录一下吧~

可以透露一下的就是,在摄影学会混得不少熟人,一直就是想说做一个摄影集(暂定名为《残障人士系列》 XD想象一堆斯文败类颓在一起的画面),不知几时有机会实行呢,我们还差化妆师啊 >_<

所以,别问为什么没有model XD 而东西的主人我自然更加不会爆出来了 XD 哪天在摄影集内一定会出现的!

Clothing #1

这朵花我在昨天等人时无意中看到 XD 刚好就解决了某女的某节日的礼物 XD 之前也看过的,不过是在另一家店 -

没想到这家也有耶,而且刚好有大减价~ 其实Dublin就那几家店常去啦...Sales的日子我每年一定报道去'观察'一下 XD

相机不好别见怪 XD 也就随便拍啦~

其实一点也不稀奇啦,我还看过可以卷起来可以当帽子戴的 *拇指* ^_^b

配上白色的女上衣 - 其实怎么配都可以很好看~不过体型要稍微高挑一点吧~ XD

稍微挣扎了一下,要不要放哪里买的呢? 或许有的人看了会问哪里买想去看看吧(指以后的Clothing篇)。其实眼尖的早就看到来自什么店啦 XD *指上图的蓝色小tag*

我是觉得挺漂亮的 ^^ 相对于平时看到很多那些girly味道很浓的(给女孩子的)围巾,这东西毫不费力就让我掏钱了 XD

还是French connection最合我胃口啊~~~

Avatar (2009) 预告 Updated: Rotten tomatoes's review!!

11-12-09 Update:
 :D:D nope,i didnt read any single bit info from that page ,i jus gave the page a quick glance!!!Score = 90+% XD

must say i m sighing with relief - no worry now :D

now just focus on the exam on tomorrow and wait for 18th :D:D:D:D:D

what can i say more? ^_^

James Cameron's probably the most ambitious sci-fi movie we will ever seen in our lifetime -

the concept was conceived about 10 years ago.but it was impossible to be made until recent (4) years.

finally the CGI of 21th century takes another step into a new era ,since 1999's Matrix -

my eyes failed to tell the real world apart from the CGI in the trailer.
(and i am damn proud of my eyesight in case you wonder :p)

Theme Song preview:

a GOOD war +love story = SOLD!!!

bring it on ,Titanic+Star War+Lord of the Ring +maybe alines?Avatar!!!!:D:D:D:D

p/s:reminded me abit of that completely messed up sh!tty Pearl Harbour......awful!!!

pp/s:ok....Youtube is just bad...The Rock with fluffy wings!!!ohgod...i m so gonna watch tat XD

ppp/s:James Cameron...in case people who wondering who is hell is this dude....this man is probably THE greatest director of our time (if you are now 20+ yrs old) - aliens,terminator T1/T2,true lies(ohmygad this one!!!XD),and titanic,not only none of his movies are crap but they are now all considered as top class classics(that i'd love to watch them again and again!!!...well,i certainly wont sit down and watch 3hrs titanic again unless maybe if the gf insists me to do soXD) and yeay,he did a rambo movie too!

pppp/s:speaking of T1/T2...ever wonder T3 is a total godly sh!t??James turned down easy money to do T3 because of his principles. He said his story was done at 2, and there was no need for 3.hehe.I guess thats something deserves respect in the highest degree!XD