Avatar (2009) 预告 Updated: Rotten tomatoes's review!!

11-12-09 Update:
 :D:D nope,i didnt read any single bit info from that page ,i jus gave the page a quick glance!!!Score = 90+% XD

must say i m sighing with relief - no worry now :D

now just focus on the exam on tomorrow and wait for 18th :D:D:D:D:D

what can i say more? ^_^

James Cameron's probably the most ambitious sci-fi movie we will ever seen in our lifetime -

the concept was conceived about 10 years ago.but it was impossible to be made until recent (4) years.

finally the CGI of 21th century takes another step into a new era ,since 1999's Matrix -

my eyes failed to tell the real world apart from the CGI in the trailer.
(and i am damn proud of my eyesight in case you wonder :p)

Theme Song preview:

a GOOD war +love story = SOLD!!!

bring it on ,Titanic+Star War+Lord of the Ring +maybe alines?Avatar!!!!:D:D:D:D

p/s:reminded me abit of that completely messed up sh!tty Pearl Harbour......awful!!!

pp/s:ok....Youtube is just bad...The Rock with fluffy wings!!!ohgod...i m so gonna watch tat XD

ppp/s:James Cameron...in case people who wondering who is hell is this dude....this man is probably THE greatest director of our time (if you are now 20+ yrs old) - aliens,terminator T1/T2,true lies(ohmygad this one!!!XD),and titanic,not only none of his movies are crap but they are now all considered as top class classics(that i'd love to watch them again and again!!!...well,i certainly wont sit down and watch 3hrs titanic again unless maybe if the gf insists me to do soXD) and yeay,he did a rambo movie too!

pppp/s:speaking of T1/T2...ever wonder T3 is a total godly sh!t??James turned down easy money to do T3 because of his principles. He said his story was done at 2, and there was no need for 3.hehe.I guess thats something deserves respect in the highest degree!XD

6 位 手握参茶:

zhaomeng said...

"district 9" is the one that you cannot tell apart vfx... =P

TingZheng said...

ah ye ,i saw the trailer XDhavent watched it tho T_T goddamn i havent been to cinema since june i think....

what i mean is there are some CG tend to make the things look so real that closely integrated to our real world (真实系CG?)but never seen something like Avatar's Fantasy-real...(?)lol

the real hype behind avatar is due to its director lah actuallyXD
james cameron eh...neh,the only movie in the history which took away so many oscars in a row~

lookup his wiki page,maybe you will be interested on his 3D fusion camera thing

婊爆俠 said...


只要有決心 技術夠強夠仔細 其實早就可以做到了

畢竟 這片的CG質感並非走真實派 如此一來 其實和動畫沒什麼兩樣

動畫... 上一部 final fantasy 電影動畫就已經證明了 動畫可以追求真實感到何種地步

TingZheng said...

XD 当然不是说非要等到这几年才能拍 - 但也不是'有决心'就可以办事的 - 现实世界里的经济条件的确是不容许这东西在十年前拍,cameron当年得奖无数,还是没有厂商要赞助他,因为涉及金钱数目实在属于天文数字 - 这也是FF:Spirit Within票房失利差点让Square崩溃的原因。即使现在看起来FF:SW在当时实在是太勉强了 - 花费过大然后画面还是不完美自然那种

要金钱上可以practically动用CG组然后水准可以达到Cameron要的那种境界来配合他的故事 - cameron宁可等到时机成熟时再拍 -



至于下面的本来应该在正式影评时才放出来的 XD

至于视觉上的CG质感嘛,我们早被这几年的电影电玩麻痹了 - 我惊叹的正是动画般的CG可以和真实演员放在同一个画面而不会感到不协调感。

SpaceJam?ring a bell?XD

不像例如Discrit 9里面CG出来的超真实感,因为我本来就感觉对CG出来东西始终不够真,参考以前Alien/Gremlins/Fly etc,看起来够真,因为用的正是真模型 XD cameron也许也这么觉得 -

干脆做一个让我们知道明知道那是假的,却看起来很有视觉冲击 - 那就是他特意让真人加到同一个画面的原因,在比较contrast之下特出他的特效。

我不是追求画面党XD CG再真实始终是不够真人真,我宁愿看一些让我觉得赏心悦目的东西 - 对的故事配上对的技术和画面,我就满足了 XDcameron别让我失望啊!!!

zhaomeng said...

so u watched avatar? haha... i'd probably withhold my opinion just in case it spoils it for you =P

TingZheng said...

ya,saw it last nite XD will find a time sit my ass down to produce a proper review.

awesome isnt it?finally we can see the soul in the CG(?lol) :)