Lisa Mitchell


:D:D:D 今早一起床就收到这上次买的Lisa Michell,等了两个礼拜,嘿!

这是她的第二张EP Welcome to the Afternoon,听说正式的专辑就在这个月发行

基本废话不用说了吧 :P 眼亮的你应该会注意到旁边的闪闪发亮的播放器!

歌唱的就是Lisa,貌似是个Australian Idol新秀 -

Enya, Björk , Sigur Rós, ,Feist, Regina, Taylor Swift等等等,知道我的口味的朋友听了Neopolitan Dreams的第一句大概就知道我一定会喜欢的:)

话说,我会知道这女娃的声音竟然是从电视上的一个洗衣粉广告 lol

Welcome to the Afternoon EP:
Neopolitan Dreams

You'll go n I’ll be okay,
I can dream the rest away
Its just a little touch of fate, it will be okay
It sure takes its precious time, but it’s got rights and so have I

I turn my head up to the sky
I focus one thought at a time
I do not let the little thieves under my tightly buttoned sleeves
You couldn’t be alone, the time I feel like I am walking blind
I have no where I’ll have time

I like the way that you talk,
I like the way that you walk.
It’s hard to recreate such an individual game

:D:D:D 我根本没有理由不喜欢,no?

朗朗上口的歌词配上那天赋的声音 - 简单的音乐里面有着一种独特的韵味,嘿,当然,歌词啊什么的,全都是自己来的。告诉你,这女娃一定会红!而我自己对这一类的真实系偶像完全是没有免疫力的^O^

这个video,把我们全都吓倒了,竟然是Lisa本人!!XD 好自然,好阳光,看看那个笑容!!!最近全身被溶解的次数还真多啊~~~(旅行版预告!:))

这是全宇宙最开心的星期四 :)

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